I bought a bag of Robin Eggs yesterday.
Thought you might want to know.
Oh yeah, and lice is back at school. Parasites suck. I mean they do suck, but metaphorically they suck too.
Millionare Matchmaker is on Bravo tonight, and since I have been in a tv depression since Top Chef and Fringe are gone, I need something to cling onto.
And M. has somehow discovered the existence of Chuck E. Cheese. "Where a kid can be a kid" she says. If I can do a sweep with Clorox wipes inside the joint I may consider it. Special occasion. Frozen pizza is only a very, very special occasion. It can't be fresh can it? Chuck E. Cheese?
I just googled it, and found a really funny article about a CEC experience in Sacramento. I am definitely not going after reading the article.
While writing this blog entry, I felt a bite of some kind on my neck. Then I felt a black bug of some kind in my hair. I pulled it out in pieces and got the magnifying glass out. Not lice, but something that bites. Something with a mandible. Something that pisses me off. I am trying to reassure myself it is not poisonous. Time to get in the shower and get the alcohol swabs out. I go through boxes of alcohol swabs. Love them. Gotta go!
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