In the THICK of it. Hundreds of pox and a somewhat tired mother and daughter duo. I got about four hours of sleep last night due being on itch patrol. First night was restless, clingy and weepy. I gave her one dose of pulsatilla and she was asleep 15 min later with no more crying. Yesterday she managed to get a bit of playing in, eat 3 bowls of soup and lay on the couch.
Last night with a white tongue and red tip and constant itchiness, I moved over to high potency rhus tox. She got a four hour stretch of sleep right after.
Today is pure itch. I am using Weleda diaper cream, calamine lotion, colloidal oatmeal and baking soda baths. I am having to remind myself that supposed life-long immunity has an advantage over booster shots and the CDC does not know if the chicken pox vaccine will provide immunity over a lifetime because the vaccine has only been in use since the mid 90's and there has not been living studies longer than 20 years.
We are hanging in there however and the fabulous Auntie D is coming tonight.
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