Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Thanksgiving Wrap-Up

Whew! It is over. What a wonderful day Thanksgiving was with our friends and family! Everything went smoothly, and the turkey was moist. We deep fried it this year again and as always it was very juicy. After dinner we made donuts with the hot oil. We also all assembled in the driveway to see a second night of the Space Shuttle and International Space Station fly over. It was quite dramatic and surprisingly bright. We all talked about what we were thankful for and talked a lot about the food. The sweet potatoes with coconut milk and curry that Erin made, the brussels sprouts with chantarelle mushrooms and truffle butter, the stuffing and three kinds of cranberry sauce. Oh, it was all really wonderful. After dinner everyone ate pie and pumpkin bread pudding. Then we all played music on itunes and zune that we listened to in high school and college. M got to stay up late and now has a new found appreciation for punk rock music from the 80's.
Thanksgiving would not be a holiday with a slight glitch right? Ours was me burning myself. At the end of the night as I was trying to deal with the turkey stock the pot slipped and splattered stock on my face. I have 4 or 5 dime sized burns on my chest. Bummer. I put my homeopathic burn cream on right away and it helped a lot. I happen to have some sort of silver burn cream I got a few years back (from another Thanksgiving burn!) the doctor prescribed to prevent infections. I was happy to have an arsenal to fall back on. It was a completely preventable situation; I just thought I could handle a very hot, very heavy pot on my own and I should have asked for help. Lesson learned.
Today is tree day. I will try to document it and tell you all about it.

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