My daughter loves to shop. Oh yes. Loves to. Does not matter if it is at a thrift store, consignment shop or Kmart. Well, we do go to the mall sometimes too. But, the above mentioned are in town, so that is where we go the most. The promised land of Target and "The Mall" are a 90 minute drive, so we just make due. And, let me say that our Kmart might be the worst on the planet. I feel panicky when I step foot inside due to the grossness of it all and my own childhood memories. Today we went to the Kmart to replenish her underwear supply. After 8 or 9 tries of different underwear at the Kmart (I like to call it "the Kmart") we finally hit gold. If you had to take a guess if the Kmart still had those fantastic undies we bought on our last visit there, do you think they would still have them?
M. kept annoyingly drifting off while I searched the underwear wall. I could hear her talking under her breath about all the Hannah Montana outfits she wishes she could have among other things. Finally out of sheer desperation for something to buy she said "mama, lets see if they have the retarded pajamas!" But no, sadly the Kmart has very slim pickings for non-flame retardant pajamas. The sales lady who was helping me got a good laugh out of that.
So we left the Kmart with nothing but a monthly calendar for my datebook and one moping kid. But, tomorrow will be a better day for her.
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