Selasa, 24 Februari 2009

Chinese Chicken

My little girl loves travel, adventures and anything out of the ordinary. She also loves routines and regularity. One of her regulars is being in SF and going to the mall to eat chinese food and the visit the Hello Kitty store. This has been the special thing she does with her cool aunt. So now, when I even mention we are going to the city, she immediately starts talking about going to the mall to eat "chinese chicken". Yesterday was one of those days. Her favorite meal is not even chinese food, it is Thai Basil Chicken with rice from the Thai resaurant in the food court. After we get to the mall, we order her a plate and sit down. Aunt and I opt to share a turkey burger. So little M. is sitting there oohing and ahhing over her meal, and we are sort of staring at her because she being slightly dramatic about the whole thing. Now, thai basil chicken is sorta spicy. And, the portion is big even for an adult. I would say two cups of chicken, and a heaping cup of jasmine rice. If anyone tastes off her plate, she keeps tabs on you and if you are eating too much, she cuts you off. Aunt and I finish our burger and M. is still eating. She has consumed the whole pile of chicken. Her bottle of water is almost gone due to the spicy nature of her dish too. Then she starts on the rice, mixing it with the sauce still on the plate. How big is her stomach? I mean I don't know if I could eat all that she has eaten. Two cups of water, two cups of chicken, one huge cup of rice. I start to have feelings that I was pulling a bad mother move by letting her decide when she was full. Then she turns to me and asks if we can order another plate. "Um, I think you would be sick if you did that" I say. Aunt and I are looking at each other eyes opening wider and wider looking at the culinary feat the 4yr. old at the table has just pulled off. She finally agrees with us to let the food in her stomach settle and head off to the Hello Kitty Store to pick out some gum.

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