Photo of me in labor, about half way through.
Anyone watch 20/20 on friday night? Usually 20/20 is not on my tv radar, but I had two emails reminding me to tune it to the show all about birthing, nursing and surrogate mothers. Having giving birth at home I am always game to check out other women who are doing the same and sympathize. My birth according to my midwife was "normal". 29 hours after my first contraction I pushed M. out. That included 3 1/2 hours of pushing. Not all of my birth experience is clear in my memory, but one part is; the part right after I pushed out M. and said really loudly "I am never doing that again, ever." I prepared for my birthing moment by regular bikram yoga 2-3 times a week and becoming a hypnobirthing student. Everyday I did my rainbow relaxation, teaching my body to become relaxed so I could deal with childbirth, perhaps even enjoy labor. I chuckle writing that last sentence. I should have known that very early on in labor when my sister walked me to the outhouse to pee in the dark and I told her "I just want this to be over" while most likely only 2 cm. dialated I was in trouble. I did not have a pain free, magical birth. Hypnotherapy did not work, and it is the closest to death I have ever been. So when I saw the segment on 20/20 of women having orgasmic births I sat on the couch and stared in disbelief at the tv screen. With my mouth hanging open. Trying not to think mean thoughts about them. But I did.
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