Rabu, 03 Maret 2010

Spaghetti Squash with Crispy Sage and Feta

What do you think about Spaghetti Squash? I spied one last week at our local coop, and put it in my basket. Honestly I usually pass it up because I have found it to be a tad bit dull. Dull is not in my food vocabulary. It has been sitting on my counter waiting to be born into a delicious steamy plate of dinner. Today, while in Bikram yoga, I found myself mentally escaping while sweat was dripping in my eyes trying to hold triangle pose for what seemed like eternity.  I started thinking about something more enjoyable; recipes. The other night our friends were over for dinner and they brought some raw feta cheese for our salad. Then sage popped into my mind. Then came Spaghetti Squash with Crispy Sage and Feta. Somewhere after eagle pose but before camel it was decided.
By the way, I use a Nikon D3000. I have only used it for 2 months. Before that was a Canon point and shoot. I have no training at all taking pictures, and you most likely would find me swearing under my breath while trying to shoot plates of food.

Spaghetti Squash with Crispy Sage and Feta
4 servings

1 med. spaghetti squash
2-3 tbls. olive oil
pinch salt
20 fresh sage leaves
1 cup feta (I used sheep feta)

Very carefully, slice spaghetti squash longways. Scoop out seeds, and place flesh down on a lightly oiled cookie sheet. Bake at 375 for 40 minutes or until tender when you stick it with a knife.

To make the sage leaves, remove leaves from the stems. Put 2 tbls of olive oil in a bowl and drag each sage leaf through the olive oil, then using your fingers to remove excess oil. Arrange on a cookie sheet and sprinkle with a bit of salt. Bake in 375 degree oven for about 8 minutes. Start checking on them after 5 minutes because they crisp fast and burn easily. Their color will turn more grey and if you test one, it will be a bit crispy. They crisp up more after you remove them from the oven.
Drain sage leaves on a paper bag or a paper towel and let cool.

Take a fork and loosen the flesh which will resemble noodles. Scoop into mixing bowl and crumble feta on top. Mix with a fork just until blended.  Spoon onto a plate and top 4-5 sage leaves

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